~1836.3 hour of reading·110176 chapter read
Aug 4, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #81


First:: Enjoy read and comedy Two: The mysteries and problems are all explained and resolved, such as from chapter 5, about a small tree spirit, who becomes the guardian of the dream land forest in the future, it is explained in the middle chapter that his words bring strength, then it is resolved in chapter 263, because the brand mark is him level up quickly even though you don't have divine inheritance. But too many plot armor, example bab 264, about the sky tree that was about to die, suddenly accidentally dropping a branch of the main tree, right plot armor this time, accidentally, which made the sky tree come to life because it "accidentally" dropped it -_-
It's okay, but translate language Indonesian too bad, because the meaning of the words in the storyline changes in Indonesian, you have to use English to fully understand, for example: Judging from the current results, it seems that the spirits are at a disadvantage in the war between gods and spirits. That's story language English, but in language Indonesian that's: "Dilihat dari perang antar dewa dan roh, nampaknya roh diunggulkan". Nah kan, lihat sendiri, dalam bahasa inggris, para roh dirugikan, datang dalam bahasa Indonesia dibilang para roh diunggulkan, padahal pun dalam ceritanya, para roh yang banyak mati. (You see, because in language Indonesian, storyline novel, spirit superior from God, but in storyoine novel, spirit lot death compared with God) but above all, this novel is a good read for those who like to boss around.
in the title and in the description, the novel describes the story of a husband protected by his strong wife, but the content is only at the beginning, the wife protects her husband, then the husband protects his family, so it seems like the beginning or goal of the beginning of the novel wants to be diverted, so it turns back like Another Chinese novel where the male protagonist becomes stronger and protects those closest to him. If it was just that, it could be 4 stars, but why am I rating it 3 stars? That's because there are a lot of forced plots in it.