~26.6 hour of reading·1598 chapter read
Jan 20, 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #5635


Good novel becomes evil after 36 chapters he kills his father he later makes stupid decisions like helping Fang Yuan grow which he regrets and decides to have nothing to do with him plus no heroine and evil mc
Author really hates monkeys
Mc is evil no heroine doesn't really save people and the like after 150 chapters or so but the plot goes to shit at around 450 maybe it gets better let me just rate it well for the sake of rare evil mc novels. Do note mc doesn't go out of his way to do evil.
Evil mc kills father and almost all relatives and the plot is top tier after the first hundred chapters or so and it has no heroines at 324
Good novel great mc I like how he grows with his age mc becomes more and more indifferent evil world building of this kind is like gu zhen ren without living the same world to make it so interesting although you are going to have to stomach the first 90 chapters although not bad compared to later chapters not even close. Weird how this one is not in evil mc yet novels with heroines and family ties qualify for it weird very weird
Brainless mc
This book was good in the beginning since it had no heroine and mc was evil but he later became weak chose he emotions over perfection of the golden core started helping people left and right all in all became the usual trash xianxia novel.
Kind of evil mc doesn't really have much principles hopefully he gets worse not better