~93.2 hour of reading·5594 chapter read
Jul 17, 2023 Joined
All time reader rank #3153


novel have 1000+ chapters but writer could not write good story. if u dont have good mc its trash story after all mc is life of story . story is about war time so u have to atlest make ur mc man not some sissy. his father and mother dont like him when doing best they will hate him because they like 3rd son. even when father and 3rd son make mistake in war and nearly killed mc .when mc save him self and go to his father his father punish mc idiot accept it dont say anything bad to his father . his mother trow his gift in trash mc say no problem i will give new one . its trash mc could have done better even had chance to be gods son or messenger with use of modern items.
after reading 70th chapter i have to say if u didnt have system u r f**ked. this mc is poor VAMPIRE he can become great but many lvl up r close to him. if he make someone his underling he will lose his lvl . if i m him i would like to have same other power then being VAMPIRE its to hard to be NO1
if u forget few part of mc in story there is no need mc in story that why he was kicked out lol maybe its was good to end story in naruto . info about new world was mc going to tell naruto world guys but he was kick out of story and they have to find it by themselves