~576.5 hour of reading·34588 chapter read
Nov 25, 2022 Joined
All time reader rank #481


Everyone complaining the sect master is too stupid and unreasonable to the point it makes no sense when in reality it makes sense lol. Think about the world we live in right now, how many things and people are unreasonable? Politics, war, crime, poverty, the list goes on and on. There probably someone you know or know of right now that has done something you can’t understand. Although I do think the face slapping was taken too far as most Chinese novel do but I don’t think it’s really that unreasonable and stupid to believe the sect master wouldn’t believe the Mc and have the thoughts that she had. I almost didn’t ready this novel because of all the bad reviews but I decided to try it either way because the title seemed interesting. I’m glad I did because I didn’t want to stop reading once I started. It’s not perfect obviously, but that’s every story in existence. Moral of the story: make your own judgement and don’t believe everything you see and hear.
“Congratulations master, it’s a young master with a penis” lmaoo great stuff
Good in the beginning but gets worst towards the end. The translation turns to shit after chapter 500. Read to chapter 625 but dropped it because it became too repetitive. (Gets killed by some stronger character, gains enlightenment, resurrects and becomes stronger.) rinse and repeat. Mc has died at least 4-6 times so far by chp 625. With how bad the translation is the story gets harder to understand and follow. Good read for first few hundred chapters. No harem/ Romance/ cold/ ruthless/
Boring, Mc is your typical nice guy. No personality, licking butts left and right. Somehow his enemies are always shocked at his power and how quickly he advances but no one take the time to account for that. It’s an okay read for new readers but for someone who’s read countless other novels like this it’s just plain boring. I could literally depict every decision the Mc was going to take without any clues just based on the fact this story run on cliches. Nothing unexpected happens, like I said… boring. The story would be far more interesting if the title was true and he actually stuck to the patrol division the entire story and went out to explore from time to time. p.s. The Mc’s cheat is boring and useless. He losses life by spending it for system rewards but there’s no risk in that because we know he’ll always gain more. He’s literally immortal but constantly thinks twice about using up his life when he can just gain life by lazing around and not doing anything, makes no sense. The only positive up to character 250 so far is there’s no cringe romance/harem which is typical for these types of novels. Cant say if this will remain past chapter 250 because Mc thinks about starting a family but doesn’t want to watch them die because he’s immortal, which would actually add more value to this story imo, haven’t seen that in a novel yet.