This is a magical world. In this world, there are many magical powers and races. Magical beings such as demons, evil gods, ancient gods, demons, goblins, etc. coexist with humans in this world. With t...Show more
In a world where machines and steam coexist, who will be the leader?
"This is the best of times, and the worst of times."
When the extraordinary comes, who can stay out of it?
When reason is swallowed...Show more
The villain cannon fodder reborn in the game world would have died soon after the game started, but fortunately he has the protagonist panel, which allows him to obtain energy points and abilities by ...Show more
A non-traditional wizard novel, in this world, mages are wizards...
Daniel Hawkins travels to a fantasy world and awakens the replication system...
You may not know what I can do, but I know what you ...Show more
[Slow to warm up + no spiritual roots + early martial arts training + not a single female protagonist + not full of fun + not killing, please be careful if you don't like it]
Ye Buwen traveled through...Show more
Ye Xiao traveled to the alien blue planet, where gods revived and demons raged.
Humans awakened various professions to fight against gods and demons.
Sword cultivators, elementalists, spiritualists, w...Show more
The natural blood race wants me to live forever with her, the last dragon lady wants me to be her dragon knight;
The dual-personality full moon queen wants me to dye my hair yellow, the sickly saint w...Show more
[Farming + Slow Heat + Western Fantasy + Multi-race + No System + Domination]
Travel through the Middle Ages and become a noble named "Field".
I learned that in this world, women have the opportunity ...Show more
In the year 1024 of Galifar, the last war that lasted for a century has ended for 28 years.
The continent of Khorvaire ushered in a period of peace and stability.
The lightning trains that were once u...Show more
[The best story about wizards getting married in 2024]
After traveling to the wizard world, David never thought that he was a waste and could not activate the frost wolf bloodline in his body.
Just wh...Show more