A fortune teller once predicted: If this boy keeps his mouth shut, he will be a good man in a peaceful world; if he opens his mouth, he will be a hero in a chaotic world.
The 18-year-old boy opened his mouth and saw the world in chaos, the heroes fighting for supremacy, and the people living in misery.
He believed that conspiracy could cause chaos, but it could also stop chaos. He wanted to find a true dragon emperor to end this chaotic world.
The Tao fire will never be extinguished, and the devil's seed will be passed down forever. Cultivation that goes against the will of heaven will lead to elixirs that follow the heavens. This is the story of a young man who was invaded by a demon and grew up practicing in a Taoist sect that regards demons as the enemy of life and death. He was labeled as someone who "needs to be vigilant" and his life path was destined to be different.
He is a spy, and all the men and women in his family have been spies for generations. They eat power and money, drink loyalty and betrayal, play with eyes and words, and enjoy guessing and decrypting.
Their enemy is always another group of spies. Even if they are separated by stars and void, they can't stop them from fighting openly and secretly.
Three Emperors have died in quick succession. The prince whom nobody had taken notice of unexpectedly succeeds to the throne. He is quickly plunged into layers upon layers of danger. The Empress Dowager dislikes him, wishing to install a younger, more obedient Emperor. His half-brother dislikes him, accusing him of stealing the throne that is rightfully his. The palace attendants and servants dislike him, believing that he is not a true Emperor. The Child Emperor must save himself.