~260.2 hour of reading·15614 chapter read
PaleHorse7836Lv. 2
9 Sep 2024 Joined
All time reader rank #2214


Perks & Levels
1640 / 3650


Read 290Ch. #305
Read 260Ch. #244
Liking it so far!
Read 43Ch. #64
Read 91Ch. #87
Started off quite well. The freebies from the cheats were not too obstrusive at first, so there was more action. Then, it became nothing but about the system cheats. Such great advantages that we don't even see his personal strength. It's really boring when everything is given to you. After all, as the MC, it's not like he will die no matter what he attacks..so what's the point of reading something that is little better than a game?
Read 1Ch. #1
Starting off very poorly.. first, no mention of parents or siblings, just some classmate that betrayed him. Tells me the MC will be replaced xtremely selfish n off-putting. Then the whole insta-download of freebies coming in out of nothing. Says you will have an Apocalypse with no attempt at building anything. So, what is left really? No emotional ties, no struggle to survive the end of the world, and no need to build anything because you already have everything? Shite story is what.
Read 519Ch. #475
The whole world hopping may be clever for explaining where one powers up, but I just can't take such side worlds seriously. And now I am skipping so many pages I am getting lost.
Read 468Ch. #439
Read 73Ch. #68
Games. Treating life as points. Not my cup of tea.
Read 21Ch. #11
Half the Sky... Sounds brilliant! Il give it 1 star and see where it's not going.
Read 1Ch. #1