First chapter saying that racist 3rd chapter William goes after the protagonist because he is an Asian and no gang will blatantly attack a police member the reason being if they can attack one and get away with it they can kill them all for their own safety police department will retaliate and annihilate that gang
Waste series that makes no sense full of nonsense full of fraudulent behaviour full of chaos the behaviour of protagonist makes no sense I have no idea what is talking about and is gold finger his system is shown by the writer as powerful but I have seen no effect
Excellent novel with good concept and there is no china's boot liking till the Nevel's part when he give the sword magic to him
And my personal view from it
["he only wreaked havoc in Britain. If compared with the big country in the Far East, he is at best a rural terrorist"]
If Voldemort was in China he does not even need to do anything this entire country will prostate itself to become his slave willingly.
Reveral inconsensity with logic & people cannot change its dog licking nature , on one side there is even problem with oxygen here post disaster reconstruction has started one the one side there is not enough materials and the country is burning the resereses with the lack of oxygen in second stage doing outdoor activity is almost impossible so where does all the plot come from , in all the plot there is nothing about survival but more more about showcasing the power of country.