Alien paradise


442 Chapters
7020 Tampilan
28 Pembaca
Ongoing · 7020 Tampilan
442 Chapters · 28 Pembaca
4.0(2 reviews)

Ringkasan Novel

Chaoyang lived an ordinary life for more than 20 years, but his life was disrupted by a sudden "awakening"-he awakened and became the legendary demon who lived by the power of wishes. The bad news is that the power of will is hard to find in this world. The good news is that before he was about to starve to death, he opened a passage to another world and had abundant wishes. The bad news is that most wishes are granted. The good news is, no one knows how to make wishes better than him. Chaoyang initially responded to prayers just to survive, but as he grew bigger and stronger, he turned this into an industry. And the place where many wishes can come true is [Paradise].


  • Alien paradise
  • 异度乐园
Tanggal Penambahan18 September 2023
Peringkat Mingguan#4797
Peringkat Bulanan#3696
Peringkat Sepanjang Masa#4818
TagFantasy World,Godly Powers,Magic,Male Protagonist,Wishes