Connor's Hogwarts


571 Chapters
31661 Tampilan
29 Pembaca
Dropped · 31661 Tampilan
571 Chapters · 29 Pembaca
3.0(2 reviews)

Ringkasan Novel

【hp】【Harry Potter fan】 Connor Hsu Devon Lake, patriarch of the Lake family, founder of Lake Magic Chess and Cards Workshop, creator of the Magic Network, winner of the Order of Merlin First Class, founder of Hogwarts University of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore's Proud disciple, the greatest wizard of the 21st century, who has made outstanding contributions to the study of magic, magic patterns, and alchemy... —— Connor: "Merlin may be an old man with a white beard, but King Arthur must be a blonde swordswoman with dull hair." Hermione: "I read a lot of books, don't lie to me, then who is this white-haired woman next to you?" Connor: "It's also my wife and I painted it." Hermione: "???" —— This is an interesting story about an ordinary time traveler who mixes up and draws in Hogwarts.


  • Connor's Hogwarts
  • 康纳的霍格沃兹
Tanggal Penambahan24 September 2023
Peringkat Mingguan#1556
Peringkat Bulanan#2288
Peringkat Sepanjang Masa#1446
TagAcademy,Business Management,Magic,Male Protagonist,Transmigration,Harry Potter