Guarding the Sutra Library for a hundred years, investing in the villain of destiny


841 Chapters
98642 Tampilan
79 Pembaca
Ongoing · 98642 Tampilan
841 Chapters · 79 Pembaca
2.8(6 reviews)

Ringkasan Novel

Chu Xun traveled through the fantasy world and became the elder of the Sutra Pavilion in the Donglin Holy Land. He obtained the investment system and could see the luck, fate, status, etc. of others. Different investments would bring different rewards. Investment requirements: only for the destined villains. This made Chu Xun depressed. Why can I only invest in villains? The eldest disciple: Master, I will snatch a female emperor for you. The second disciple: Master, you want to practice magic weapons? It just so happens that my family has ancestral fairy gold. Master, wait for me... The youngest disciple: My family has a peerless medicine that has lived for seven thousand years. I will go and pick it for Master as a medicine guide! Chu Xun: It smells so good!


  • Guarding the Sutra Library for a hundred years, investing in the villain of destiny
  • 镇守藏经阁百年,投资天命反派
Tanggal Penambahan18 Juni 2024
Peringkat Mingguan#7
Peringkat Bulanan#8
Peringkat Sepanjang Masa#261
TagMale Protagonist,Master-Disciple Relationship,Sect Development,System,Transmigration