In the year 2023, amidst the bustling streets and fast-paced life of Yuanxing, Lin Xing's world takes a dramatic turn. Once a rising star in the entertainment industry, Lin Xing now finds himself navigating the turbulent waters of fame, loyalty, and personal growth. After a long hiatus spent doing charity work in the remote Da Feng Mountain, Lin Xing returns to a whirlwind of changes. His former director, Feng Gang, has left Tan Province TV under controversial circumstances and is now working with Banana Video. Lin Xing, always willing to help an old mentor, agrees to join Feng's new reality show, despite warnings from his pragmatic agent, Sister Dao. The industry is unforgiving. Lin Xing's former bandmate, Chu Hai, has been exposed for hiding a secret family, causing their once-popular group, Starry Sea, to disband. Now, as Lin Xing reenters the scene, he must navigate a series of scandals and revelations, including shocking news about his friend and former bandmate, Wu Yao, who is accused of gambling and domestic violence. Balancing public perception, personal values, and the harsh realities of the entertainment world, Lin Xing embarks on a journey to redefine his career and reclaim his identity. With a blend of humor, drama, and heartfelt moments, this novel explores the challenges of living in the spotlight and the power of resilience and redemption.
Judul |
Status | Ongoing |
Tanggal Penambahan | 25 Juni 2024 |
Pengarang | |
Aliran | urban-life |
Peringkat Mingguan | #6330 |
Peringkat Bulanan | #6139 |
Peringkat Sepanjang Masa | #5400 |
Tag | Alternate World,Celebrities,Handsome Male Lead,Male Protagonist,Parallel Worlds,Showbiz,Transmigration |