Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords


267 Chapters
3518 Tampilan
15 Pembaca
Ongoing · 3518 Tampilan
267 Chapters · 15 Pembaca
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In the invincible world of heroes, street writer Zhu Hao created an ordinary dwarf hero, mainly relying on meticulous in the early stage and roaring in the middle - Working part-time? It's impossible to work in your life! With a group of blue goblins who can only throw snowballs, and a few undesecrate golden Pegasus sky knight sisters, he swam crazily on the edge of all forces. One day, when all forces in the struggle for hegemony of all races feel exhausted-- Everyone was shocked to find that the power of the dwarf had expanded to the point of horror! The wheels of the times are rolling forward, and no one on Titan can stop the will of a dwarf! In the stormy mountains, millions of banners are majestic... Countless blue goblins, golden Pegasus, black wild boars and copper puppets! A dwarf wearing a golden crown held high a hammer and a heavy axe and issued a resounding declaration from heaven and earth-- "Angels are pure birds, Titans are not true gods, dragons are just flying lizards, demons are just mutant taurens... We don't need to be afraid, we will eventually win!" "For Kazlodan!" "The whole army is attack--" ... This book is good at micro-operation and is a pure technical flow. Readers are welcome to give me some advice and communication. [Tribute to Heroes Invincible 3, Warcraft 3, Hearthstone Legend and Diablo]


  • Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords
  • 英雄无敌之风暴领主
Tanggal Penambahan28 September 2022
Peringkat Mingguan#6323
Peringkat Bulanan#7020
Peringkat Sepanjang Masa#6034
TagBlack Belly,Dwarfs,Elves,Male Protagonist,Technological Gap